Our very own crafted syllabus for LAK4204 Korean 8
Content from Yonsei Korean in 3 Weeks Level 5: Chapter 8~15 Grammar
Note: I don’t have the notes for LAK4201 :(
Conveys the meaning of “on top of …” and has a very similar meaning with the grammatical point -을 뿐만 아니라.
Yet another grammar point to express guesses or predictions based on observations.
Conveys the meaning of “even though I have done this thing, it does not seem to work”.
An ending to express your realisation of something new.
Means “only if you do one thing, then something else will occur”.
Inviting others to do something similar to -을까요?, but this structure is more concerned about the listener’s opinion, while -을까요 is equally concerned about the listener’s and the speaker’s opinion.
Emphasising the fact that the listener should already know. Comparable to the use of “I told you that …, right?” in English.
Making a suggestion, roughly means “shouldn’t you have done this instead?”.
Describes the current state of an object of a being.
Describes an action being done in a particular way. It can also be used to express that something happens right after another one, similar to -자마자.
Conveys the meaning “you don’t know how much I …”.
To indicate an action that you regularly do in the past, or an action that was interrupted and not completed.
Used when providing a supposed reason to a suggestion. This reason is usually just a supposition or conjecture, so it is not as strong as -으니까. Often used when conveying the following: “since I’ll do this, so could you please do that?”.
Indirect speech form for request.
No intention of doing it, but I ended up doing this. Usually used to describe something that you did not intend to do, or reluctantly do because you were made to do it.
Indicates the speaker’s strong intention of doing something.